Adventure Tales is an adventure and travel blog created by Nikki Purcell. We focus on stories of outdoor adventure and provide you first hand information on how you can have these adventures of your very own. Our goal is to inspire you to get outside and enjoy the many wonders of the magnificent world we live in. Be sure to check back often and follow our social channels:
Our Story
Have you ever felt like you were in a rut with your life’s routine? I’m sure it happens to everyone because it certainly happens to me. Sometimes we just need a little inspiration or encouragement to try something new. I’ve always had a knack for finding the adventurous side of life and I decided to build a site where those adventures could be shared. These aren’t necessarily stories about me, but about adventurous places, fun events, and things everyone could enjoy. My goal is to entertain you with riveting stories, provide information to help you plan your own similar adventures, and give you a little nudge to get out there and have fun. Life is too short not to.
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